By now you probably realize that here at Parchment, we aren't only about fine papers, we also provide all the accoutrements to accompany your paper needs. Falling into the fun accessories category, are rubber stamps. What I love about rubber stamps is that they are perfect for even the most inexperienced, unartistic among us (aka: me!). Plus it is fun for any age (think children's birthday gift...) They are great for sprucing up a photo album page, or adding decoration to an envelope and of course for creating your own stationery. Not to mention all the bright ink colors make your average stamp...well...not so average! We try to keep our collection pretty well stocked with Nantucket related images such as scallop shells, whales and lighthouses. One of my favorites (featured below) reads "I hope my ship comes in before my dock rots." (Don't we all!?) New to our shelves this year are Yellow Owl's adorable little stamp sets. They do city themed pairs in the cutest cloth bags (see the NYC taxi set below) as well as some larger wooden boxed sets that are just fantastic! Another awesome find from the big boss, Heidi G. Yippie!!
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